
A Book of Contemplation the Which Is Called the Cloud of Unknowing, in the Which a Soul Is Oned with God is unavailable, but you can change that!

The Cloud of Unknowing is a fourteenth-century work of Christian mysticism written by an anonymous author. It is a spiritual guide to contemplative prayer—the art of surrendering ego, mind, and expectations so that God may pierce the barrier, or cloud, that separates him from us. Since this book’s entrance into religious circles more than 500 years ago, the question of authorship has been asked...

into Latin by John Scotus Erigena, a scholar at the court of Charlemagne, and so became available to the ecclesiastical world of the West. Another five hundred years elapsed, during which their influence was felt, and felt strongly, by the mystics of every European country: by St Bernard, the Victorines, St Bonaventura, St Thomas Aquinas. Every reader of Dante knows the part which they play in the Paradiso. Then, about the middle of the 14th century, England—at that time in the height of her great
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